Sunday, May 29, 2011

How the Earth Was Made, reviewed by David vun Kannon

I picked up Seasons 1 and 2 of this History Channel series at Barnes & Noble recently.

This is excellent science television. Season 1 takes the viewer through a history of the Earth from its formation to the arrival of Mankind, sort of like the original conception of Fantasia's Rite of Spring. I was most interested in the first episodes that dealt with the formation of the Earth until the beginnings of life. Was there an era in the past when the seas were green and the sky pink?

Season 2 focuses of specific features or events and explains them in depth. I was very impressed by how the series showed the experimental evidence for each idea and tied it to the facts observed. A large variety of working scieintists were showcased. Even one from my alma mater, Hofstra University! Talking about rocks that I've visited!!

Worth watching, worth owning.

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